I present you a great application for Android "Reminder".
With this app you will never forget and never miss important events.
Application Features:
- generating notifications in the bar (with vibration)
- built-in categories
- setting
- Presenting all notifications you have received
- data is stored in the local database
- Ability to save any number of notifications
- Create new categories of notifications
- Ability to delete saved categories and notifications
Built-in categories:
Phone calls
Use of medicines
The application stores data in a local SQLite database available on any Android device.
The high standard used in database creation ensures instant access to data.
Convenient, easy to use and navigate user interface.
Active application development (email me if you have any questions, suggestions, comments).
More soon!
Be happy!
Required permissions:
1. Receive data from the internet
2. View network connections
3. Full access to the network
4. Startup when turning on the machine
5. Vibration control